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Zero Volume Keywords in SEO

What is a Zero Volume Keyword in SEO?

A zero volume keyword is actually not a  zero volume, but the keywords actually having zero competition.

Type of Zero Volume Keywords:-

1-Google Autofill Keywords

Actually,Google Autofill keywords are keyworsds that come from Google Autofill.
You find them by searching your desired term like “Digital” and check how…

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What Is Pagination in SEO?

Website pagination in SEO is a process or strategy when website/blog pages having similar content are organized into a sequential series. 
Pagination uses options like numbered buttons or links. That will help users move through a content archive. 
Best example of Website Pagination is blog archive pages. And other example is an ecommerce category pages.

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SEO indexing could be the key for SEO marketers in these AI times?

In current AI environment, Shifting from Metadata to Intent-Aligned Content is a key for SEO indexing.

According to previous methodology, Google search was created accordingly with the process of metadata, which would allow content to get indexed much higher onto the Google pages. Now businesses might have to end up creating content aligned with intent, because AI will combined together…

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